Monday, March 28, 2011

Tapered Extrusions

In this activity we opened the file called Extrude-Taper, and extrude the square a distance of 1 inch with a taper angle of -10°.Extruded objects can be givenpositive or negative taper angle. A common example of a tapered extrusion is the design of an ice cube. The sides of the ice cube are tapered with a draft angle to allow the cube to be easily removed from the ice cube tray.

Intersect Extrusion

In this activity we opened a file called Intersect and performed an intersect extrusion on the sketch all the way through the existing object to observe what takes place. The intersect extrusion function will perform a Boolean addition and subtraction in one operation. Any part of the sketch profile that overlaps existing geometry will remain. The portion of the sketched profile and the existing geometry that do not overlap will be removed.

Mid-Plane Extrusion

For this activity we opened the mid-plane file and did a 1 inch midplane extrusion on the original sketch. The mid-plane function will join, cut, or intersect the selected sketch.

Friday, March 11, 2011

These are the sketches I created of the possible combiniations made up of 3,4,5, or 6 cubes. After I skected a couple of possible combinations I skecthed them together to form a cube. This was all the brainstorming of my final product

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Puzzle Cube Blueprint

This is the blueprint of the final puzzle cube. This shows the five shapes I created. It also shows how they were put together in order to create the final cube.

Puzzle Cube

This is the final puzzle cube. It was done on inventor. To create this cube I first had done the smaller shapes on inventor. Five shapes were created, and all the five shapes had 27 cubes in total. Once I completed the shapes I assembled them. That meant that I was able to put them together to create this final cube.

Animated Puzzle Cube

These shapes are the combinations I have done in order to create my puzzle cube. However, this is already an assembly of all the shapes together. After I used inventor to create these simple shapes i did an assembly. An assembly cause the shapes to go together. This will help create the final puzzle cube in the end.